Friday, 11 April 2014

Five for Friday - holidays edition

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. This week mine will be a holiday edition because I'm currently on the two weeks of holidays between term 1 and term 2.

I have been catching up with lots of people this week which is awesome. I'm not a coffee drinker so it's been yummy hot chocolates for me. I absolutely love having catch ups during the holidays and I make sure to make coffee dates with as many people as I can. Term time can be so busy, and the holidays are the perfect time to catch up on all the goss.

You may have noticed that I've been hitting the social media/blog/TpT stuff hard this week. I'm really trying to create an online teaching network for myself and to increase my involvement with teaching as a profession. I love the people I work with, and they're awesome for advice, but it is so rewarding to read about other schools, other classrooms and other teachers! Big thanks to all those awesome bloggers out there whose blogs I love to read!

I can't believe it but this weekend my niece turns 4!! Those four years have flown by and she is growing up so quickly. Only a year and a half until she starts school which is amazing. I'm think I might make her some really easy writing sheets and counting sheets so she can practice "school stuff" before she gets there. Just for a bit of fun, and I'd love her to be able to write her name before she starts school!

I do a photo a day challenge on Instagram and the other day the prompt was "hobby". I found a serious lacking in this area when I needed to photograph it. I love reading teacher blogs and making teaching resources, so I put up a photo of a product I've made. But I need to expand my horizons a bit. So this week I took up knitting again. And I love it! Last year I started knitting squares with different wool just for something to do, but I've decided to keep making them and then stitch them together to make a blanket. I've got a long way to go, but I'm determined!

Last (very) random thing - I'm going to see The Lego Movie tomorrow with my sister (who is only two years younger than me). We both love kids movies, and me being a teacher is such a great excuse for going to see them!


  1. I want to see the Lego movie also! Sounds like fun. Hope you and your sister have a blast!

    1. We loved the movie!! Hilarious, and I love how kids movies always have jokes in them for the adults who see them.

  2. I am envious that you can knit! I can only make scarves on a loom. I preordered the Lego movie. I can't wait until it is out on DVD. My little boy saw it with his grandpa and loved it!
    Jenn @ 2nd Grade Snickerdoodles

    1. It was a great movie, definitely worth seeing! I have never used a loom, let alone tried to make a scarf on one! Very cool.

  3. Hi Jemima! I am so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could find you! :) I WISH I could knit. I used to, but I can't even remember how, now- but I love doing something with my hands while I watch TV so knitting was perfect. I will have to try again. Enjoy your holiday from school! We are on our Spring Break this week. yaHOO! :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Knitting is definitely awesome to do when watching tv. But I sometimes get distracted by the knitting and miss a bit of the tv show, or I get distracted by the show and nearly drop a stitch.... Oops!
