Monday, 9 June 2014

Monday Meet Me!

It's a long weekend here and I'm loving having an extra day off!! I've been so productive, and thought I'd be even more productive by writing a blog post on a Monday! What better way to blog today than to link up with The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet Me.

Here is the picture:

I teach... prep. That is the first year at school, so it would be Kindergarten in a lot of places. I'm the only prep teacher at my school, I've been teaching prep for three years and I just love it!!

I have... so much fun at school! My teaching degree wasn't my first degree. I started a Scientific Photography degree straight out of high school and hated it! I was miserable. I took a year off, volunteered a bit, and worked a ton, and through the volunteering I discovered my love of education. I enrolled for the following year and found what I was meant to be doing. It can sound so corny, but it's true! I love being a teacher and I have heaps of fun at school with my students and my colleagues. I work with a super team!

I watch... too much TV 'full stop'. I don't like reality TV. I love most of the stuff HBO makes, a lot of the USA channel stuff, I'm a softy for some of the Hallmark shows (specifically Signed, Sealed, Delivered) and love lots of what comes from the SyFy Channel. I actually only like two 'made in Australia' TV shows - Offspring and House Husbands. Otherwise, it is all American and Canadian!

I listen... to heaps of music, and I love indie/folk music and blues. At the moment my favourite Pandora radio station is the Indie Folk Revival station. I'm also an avid Triple J radio listener.

I read... heaps. Every night before bed I read; it helps me sleep. At the moment I'm reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower but I generally read sci-fi/fantasy novels, and some general literature (like The Fault in our Stars and Mitch Albom stuff, or Jasper Fforde stuff). I also LOVE reading blogs!

I do... basically what makes me happy. I'm possibly too good at giving myself "me time". I've got no kids and no partner so that's pretty easy!

Hope you liked learning a bit more about me. I'm off to read some other blog posts with this link-up! Love them!


  1. People often ask me why I have time to get so much done... I'm making the most of the time it's just me at home because I'm sure when I have a hubby and kids I won't be able to be so busy with school work. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. For sure! Get lots done now! At school we've got some new grads who have kids and partners and they struggle to juggle and balance everything.

      Plus, it's also nice and quiet when I get home! :)

  2. Apart from myself there is only one other single teacher at my school. My colleagues are always asking how I manage to get so much done, and have time to blog and create products, and the answer is always the same!
    So much me time :)


    1. There is only one other at my school too! We sometimes have a laugh about how we spend our Saturday nights... often on Pinterest!

    2. Sounds exactly like my Saturday nights!

  3. Thanks so much for linking up Jemima! I am aiming to get a little more 'me' time - I need to take some lessons from you :) I want to find more time to read too! :) Am so glad you found teaching, you seem like a real natural :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mel!! I love doing link-ups! I'm very glad I found teaching, and all of the awesome bloggers, too!

  4. Sounds like you have a very nice life. :-)
    So very nice to "meet" you!

  5. Hey Jem! I am thinking we were separated at birth and that we need a Victorian blogger meet-up, because we need to meet (in a non-stalker way...) :) xx
    Books, Bugs and Boxes

    1. Not stalker-ish at all! I'd love to have a Victorian blogger meet-up!
