Saturday, 6 September 2014

Currently for September

Wow! It's September. The year has flown by. It's so lovely to see the Spring weather has arrived along with September. Today is beautiful and sunny!

Here is my Currently image to link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade. I love the images she creates for the backgrounds of the Currently link-ups!

Listening - I couldn't decide what to listen to, so I've got all 1037 albums on shuffle (I can't figure out how to find out how many songs I've got...). It's awesome listening to some older songs that I wouldn't really think to play.

Loving - today's weather is just gorgeous. Beautiful blues skies.

Thinking - I'm going to Sydney with a friend during the school holidays. I'm so excited. The last time I was in Sydney was when I was 14 (13 years ago). Haven't booked anything yet, so better get onto it.

Wanting - At my school the teaching units are by grade levels - so the 5/6s are a unit, the 3/4s are a unit, the 1/2s are a unit and the preps are a unit. Only, I'm the only prep teacher. So I don't have other people to plan with, teach with or collaborate regularly with. I'm really missing that at the moment. The planning time that the 1/2s have together is when I have my students, so I can't even go and sit in on the their meetings.

Needing - We do lots of fun things during the week that I'd love to share, but I forget to take photos.

3 trips - There are so many places I've been that I'd like to visit again (like England, Sweden and Italy), but these are three places I've never been to. I've always wanted to go to Canada, probably based in part on how much Canadian TV I like, and I've got some extended family who live there. I've been to the North Island in New Zealand, but not the south. Again, I've got family there and I'd love to visit them. There are so many places in the US that I'd love to visit (San Fran, Chicago, New York, New Orleans, etc etc) that I've clumped them together. Ideally, I'd love to spend 6 months or so in the US on a road trip, but that's a far off dream.


  1. I would love to do a road trip around America too! Though probably need someone else to do the driving!!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. It would be really strange driving on the wrong side of the road!!

  2. Are you a resource teacher? Is that why you don't get planning time with your team? Planning time is so important. I always encourage my team to do more planning together and invite all of them any time I sit down to plan.

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat
