Saturday, 25 January 2014

Five for Friday link-up

This is my first Five for Friday linky with Doodle Bugs Teaching!! Very exciting.

This is my last week of holidays (I start back at school on Tuesday for a teacher work day, then kids on Wednesday) so I have been making the most of it. A PJ day, catching up with friends for coffees and dinners, watching some awesome TV and going to the movies with my sister. What a busy, and fun, last week of Summer holidays.

In preparation for my new class this year I have been doing lots of planning. One of the big things has been figuring out my timetable for the new year. It has to fit all of the important things in, while still having time for some fun too! And this year I have a unique bunch of preppies who need to work on fine motor skills and following routines. This is what my timetable looks like:

PMP is Perceptual Motor Program, which is gross motor skills. FMS is Fine Motor Skills. P.D. is Personal Development for values and social skills. Buddies is the time the preps spend with their grade 5 buddies.

Part of my personal set of school-based goals this year is to keep everything accountable to our curriculum, AusVELS, and to be explicit in the classroom about what we are focusing on. I downloaded an awesome set by Miss N (TpT) which I have put up in my room do display the standards we are focusing on. It is going to be an awesome tool for me, any CRT (substitute teacher) or visitor to our room.

In a TV flashback, I just bought the complete set (8 seasons) of Will & Grace! Some of the clothes are still awesome, but some look pretty dated. The show as a whole holds up well 15 years from when it started. I have gotten through the first season and quarter of the second season - it's great fun!

I have designed my 2014 class newsletter. I love sending home a newsletter fortnightly to let parents/other important people know what is going on in the classroom.

That was fun linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for my first Five for Friday linky!!

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