Monday, 27 January 2014

Storybook Sunday and Books You'll Love

What an awesome day for link-ups! Paula's Place has Storybook Sunday and A Kindergarten Smorgasbord has Books You'll Love. I'm going to post about my most favourite book which is one I will read this week to my new preps!

Here it is!! I like myself! by Karen Beaumont.

I absolutely love this book!! I will read it at least once a term throughout the year. It is all about a girl who likes herself no matter what she looks likes.

I like myself, I'm glad I'm me. There's no one else I'd rather be.

I love that as a concept to start teaching the kids from the minute they enter my room. I read it all the way through, then we discuss what it means. At different times through the year I will address it again, in more depth each time. I have also sent a passage of it home with my students as a poem to read with their family. I think it is so important to discuss all of the great things that we have going on, and how awesome we are! I get students to talk to each other about things they like about themselves, things they are good at, etc. Students draw and write about these things. We talk about what makes us special and unique. We talk about why it is important that we are all different, and we discuss how to respect other's differences. It is a great springboard for a huge range of discussion ideas!

And, the illustrations are just awesome!!


  1. I so need to get this book for my own son!
    Jennifer with Simply Kinder

  2. What a great post, I came over from Paula's Place. Just the cover alone makes me want to run out and get I Like Myself!
    I am your newest follower!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

    1. Thanks, Fern! It is worth having it in the book collection.

  3. Thanks so much for linking up - I love the theme of the book.
    Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

    1. Thanks heaps, Paula. Such a great link-up!
