Sunday 2 February 2014

Currently for February

This is my first time linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her Currently link-up.

Listening: It is about 35 degrees Celsius where I live in Victoria, Australia today. I spent the morning hanging out with my mum at the cinema, but now I'm at home with the air-con on.
Loving: One of my favourite things about being a teacher is getting to know a new class of students!
Thinking: I have a very long list of "to-do's".
Wanting: I much prefer to rug up in the cooler weather, than have to try to stay cool when it's hot.
Needing: I have a few new subjects this year and I still haven't made the new visual timetable cards for them; it's on my to-do list.
Truths: You can probably guess by now that I don't like hot weather. And I am most definitely a newbie blogger.
Fib: I hate olives! Yuck!!

I have nearly finished next week's planner. Mine isn't a fancy visual planner, but it has all of the info on it that I need. Here is what Reading looks like this week:

It is very text heavy, and I think I need to look at how I can make it simpler. But that's a project for a different day.

Have a great week!!


  1. Hi there. Welcome to the blogging world! Enjoy! I can relate to the 35 Celsius...unfortunately, for us, it is -35 Celsius here! I don't like the heat either, but I think I dislike the cold even more right now! lol
    I like your visual planner for reading. It is always interesting to see someone else's organizational ideas!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I'm not sure how I'd cope with -35 degrees!!

  2. I am running the air conditioning here too. We went from below freezing temps on Tuesday to downright hot today.

    1. Oh, how frustrating! Sometimes completely different temperatures like that is more annoying than having a run of hot or cold weather. You just can't figure out what's coming next.
